Podcasts and webinars

Continuing medical education for healthcare professionals

Mantra Pharma offers online webinar training sessions that cover topics such as osteoporosis prevention and dyslipidemia. We also produce podcasts that focus on basic notions for optimal health, such as why we should take calcium, vitamin D, statins, phytosterols and more.

Since 2021, over 5,400 healthcare professionals have registered for our osteoporosis and nutrition webinars. To help provide better care, recognized specialists in their field share the latest scientific advances.


A Closer Look: Focus on Health

This podcast series was created to provide healthcare professionals with the latest scientific information in a new format. The 10- to 30-minute episodes deep dive into various topics with input from seasoned speakers. You will hear from oncologists, surgeons, rheumatologists, nutritionists and other specialists.

Episode 11.

Les lignes directrices d'Ostéoporose (Partie 2)

Episode 10.

Phénomènes phosphocalciques (Partie 1)

Episode 9.

Dyslipidémie, démystifiée

Episode 8.

Les faits sur la vitamine D et le calcium

Episode 7.

Santé cardiovasculaire : les bonnes habitudes au cœur de la prévention

Episode 6.

Chirurgie bariatrique : comment éviter les carences ?

Episode 5.

Cancer du sein et santé osseuse

Episode 4.

Santé osseuse, ce que la nutritionniste peut faire

Episode 3.

Vitamine D et toxicité

Episode 2.

Pharmacien, loi 31 et choix de calcium

Episode 1.

Le calcium et l'achlorhydrie


Want to know more?

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Bone health

mcal : Calcium in all its forms

Mantra, an expert in the field of calcium supplements, is proud to offer mcal, a complete range of calcium supplements. A variety of formats are available with or without vitamin D, in tablet (carbonate) or liquid (citrate) form. A variety of grades are also available. Our family of supplements has proven over the years how effective it is, and it continues to evolve. Discover the best choice of calcium supplements for your patients.